Solutions for construction sites
A law which came into force in Finland on 1 July 2014 requires reporting to the Tax Authority on a monthly basis with regard to who has worked on construction sites. The obligation rests with either the main contractor or the developer, and also concerns prefabricated housing work sites. Reporting cannot be handled on paper: rather, it must be delivered electronically. It is possible in reporting to utilize Valtti ID cards offered by Suomen Tilaajavastuu Oy, as well as other services they offer together with their partner network.
NFC-TimeClean and NFC-InOut are Suomen Tilaajavastuu Oy’s certified Time&Attendance terminal devices for construction site as well as Valtti Smart Card use, and they are CE-approved.
Have a look at how to proceed
1. Order Valtti ID cards for the use of your business enterprise from Suomen Tilaajavastuu Oy.
Require your subcontractors to use them as well.
2. Order an Inoptics wireless working-time terminal device for your work site.
Generally the simplest version – NFC-Time Clean Basic – is sufficient for construction work site use. You can either rent working-time terminal devices directly from Inoptics or obtain them via an application supplier.
Developed by Inoptics, these Finnish-made Time&Attendance terminal devices can be remotely linked with virtually all working-time applications. They represent the market leader on construction work sites. Data transfer by these units is handled in real time via the mobile phone network, and they operate wherever a mobile phone does.
3. Get a Tax Authority reporting or working-time application.
Suomen Tilaajavastuu provides only the Tax Authority reporting application without working-time tracking. There are many businesses offering Tax Authority reporting and, if needed, the wider time and attendance applications, and these can be found at . Such applications are offered by, among others, Movenium, Evry Jydacom, Takamäki-yhtiöt, Admicom, Aacon, Maxtechnologies, Lenio, Enersense, Tuntinetti/J.Halttu, Fastroi, Fluent Progress, Waremann, Reslink, Nepton, Navicom and Visma.
Tax Authority reporting is enough if you do not wish to track the working time of those on the work site and only want to handle your Tax Authority reporting duties. In the event of a possible work site inspection, it is normally possible to print the “who is at the work site” data in real time. With a working-time application, you can link the stamping data as part of the salary payment. Transcription support can also be found for some of the applications for targeting working times to various work stages.
NFC-TimeClean for access control and supervision
NFC-TimeClean is a tracking device allowing you to gather – in real-time – both “who’s on the work site” and working time information, which is also used as the basis for salary management. Stamping data go to the application in real time.
NFC-InOut access control, supervision + gate-opening
NFC-InOut expands the operational field from access control to access supervision, and it can function as a gate opener as well. The application downloads a list to the device of IDs of access-entitled individuals, according to which it opens the gate in connection with stamping. Stamping data go to the application in real time.