Post created 20.9.2012
Nepton Oy has developed modern Internet-based software solutions for enterprises and associations for the last 11 years. Nepton Työteho is a comprehensive solution that includes Time/Attendance tracking, working-time TES interpreting and work shift planning. It suits both small and large organizations due to its modular structure. According to the latest customer satisfaction survey, 94% of Työteho users recommend the system.
In operation since 1928, the Marttiini Knife Factory combines long-established handicraft traditions with modern technology in knife manufacture. In its working-time tracking, Marttiini Oy has combined Inoptics’ NFC terminals with Työteho, Nepton’s work efficiency solution. Ari Paksuniemi, responsible for ICT at Marttiini Oy, remarks on the comprehensive whole as follows:
“The use of registration terminals works excellently for entering production employees’ working times. This has really accelerated registration. Moreover, errors remain basically at the zero level, because we’ve got RFID identifiers at our disposal. The technical realization has also succeeded, the device is physically durable also in our industrial production facilities, and data transfer to the Nepton program has worked faultlessly. Together with the Nepton Työteho system, the registration terminals really make up a highly functional and easy-to-use whole.”
Eero Partanen, Sales Director, Nepton Ltd.,
Ari Paksuniemi, ICT Manager, Marttiini Ltd.,
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