Olemme kehittäneet helposti käyttöönotettavat ja käytettävät langattomat kulunseuranta- ja kulunvalvontapäätelaitteet rakennustyömaille
Designed for construction sites, Inoptics Oy has developed wireless tracking and access control terminal devices that are both easily introduced and highly practical. Our terminal devices can be connected to almost all Time&Attendance applications via a URL with an http/xml connection, and they read RFID/NFC IDs – including officially authorized Valtti ID cards supplied by Suomen Tilaajavastuu Oy. The devices’ data transfer is handled through the mobile phone network (2G/GPRS) – which functions everywhere. All that’s needed is an electrical outlet at the installation site. The data go directly to the application partner’s server – and for the purpose of maintaining the equipment stock, message copies can be sent from them to the device supplier.
The equipment can be delivered directly to the end customer or application partner as already connected to the application. After installation of the SIM card, the device is ready for operation.